Thursday, March 3, 2016

Reflection 7: Moving on....


My goal for this week is finish the Towne of Histoire...and I am almost there!

I am actually learning quite a bit about games by creating this content on the history of games, learning that many of the most popular games are not "new" but are based on older games. Many board games such as Monopoly are based on real life, serving as early simulations. Other games such as Clue served as a method of keeping people occupied while they sat in air-raid bunkers during World War II.  Candy Land, in part, is believed to have grown out of a wish to keep the smallest children indoors to offer them more protection from the threat of polio. It remains one of a child’s first games.

Why is this important information?

Games have been used for centuries to teach both children and adults, providing them with morals and even life strategies. Games have been used to teach history and battle strategy. Games teach eye-hand coordination.

Games do more than entertain - they teach.  Using games to teach is nothing new. Games involve players in the learning, making the learning real for the player.

I am still toying with some ideas regarding the quest(s) for this town, perhaps having students "connect the dots" between older and newer games.....I will see what speaks to me once the content is finished.

What happens next?  What is my plan?

I want to continue working on Histoire, adding to the content and crafting a quest or two, being sure the quest(s) involve students, fostering learning.

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