Thursday, April 21, 2016

Frame games and other fun items!

This week's topic is persistence.

I possess the ability to focus strongly, blocking out other distractions, other "sparklies." This ability can be problematic, however, when I face a roadblock ... or a mere boulder in the way.

Designing a course that fits the needs of all learners is time-consuming. Since this course is for those in K-12, higher education, and business, I have tried very hard to be sure to include examples and videos from all three areas.   I do not want anyone to feel left out or marginalized.

This takes design time.  Lots.

For example, in the section on frame games, I provided videos demonstrating the use of Wheel of Fortune games. finding classroom examples was easy....finding business applications, not so much. I actually spent two entire days searching for the business videos.   I finally found to really great examples, but that was to days I was not developing content and the rest of the course. Sure, I could have skipped them and left a note for me to return to this area, but that could easily be overlooked, resulting in what I consider to be a weakly designed course...

So, two days it is!

I finished Simulation Quarter and am halfway through Frame Game Quarter expecting to complete this one within a week...unless I experience another stall due to searching for hours.....

I found an old notation regarding the use of narrative with the idea of using a graphic novel approach to deliver the content.  I originally thought about using Pixton to create really cool storyboards...but that is far in the future...

For now, more content development in Gaming Towne ....and trying to keep it all balanced....

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