Thursday, April 28, 2016

Learning Points and Plans

The last 15 or so weeks of course development have been quite illuminating.

We created a framework - a course skeleton - divided according to our interests and areas of expertise. Within that framework we added notes and readings.

We charted out a loose Welcome just to see what would be needed...and to serve as a depository for notes until the end of development when we flesh out the Welcome in detail.

The Towne of Histore is completed finished -only needing narrative that will be added at the end.

Gaming Towne is under development and is coming along very nicely.

I have discovered - not that I didn't know this before but more of a reaffirmation - that I create by using a loose topical outline, filing notes and items within each topic, but start course development at the beginning and work to the end to be sure I see how everything within a module unfolds before leaving and moving elsewhere.  I simply cannot function by developing several modules at once.  finishing what I start allows me to move on.  While I knew this before, I had forgotten it. Ideas come to me, for example, on the Gamifi-what...and I make notes, but I cannot start without finishing what comes before.


Since I mentioned it...Gamifi -what is where I will introduce the term gamification, starting to drive home the differences between gamification and using games. I will create a video for this, detailing a variety of gamification examples, just to tease student interests fo a later town.

I have located a software that will allow us to create a map of Gamitopia......

(I have been asked by a colleague to provide assistance to help him find simulations he can use in the classroom - a little off topic, but very important.)

Having given up on there actually being a text we could use entirely I have accepted that we will  write content for the entire course.... and craft several videos of our own....

Finishing is not a question - we will finish.  We have already accomplished a lot, and will continue to move forward with the goal of having this ready by Jan 1, 2017, for piloting and teaching by summer 2017.

This has been a great deal of fun - and learning!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Frame games and other fun items!

This week's topic is persistence.

I possess the ability to focus strongly, blocking out other distractions, other "sparklies." This ability can be problematic, however, when I face a roadblock ... or a mere boulder in the way.

Designing a course that fits the needs of all learners is time-consuming. Since this course is for those in K-12, higher education, and business, I have tried very hard to be sure to include examples and videos from all three areas.   I do not want anyone to feel left out or marginalized.

This takes design time.  Lots.

For example, in the section on frame games, I provided videos demonstrating the use of Wheel of Fortune games. finding classroom examples was easy....finding business applications, not so much. I actually spent two entire days searching for the business videos.   I finally found to really great examples, but that was to days I was not developing content and the rest of the course. Sure, I could have skipped them and left a note for me to return to this area, but that could easily be overlooked, resulting in what I consider to be a weakly designed course...

So, two days it is!

I finished Simulation Quarter and am halfway through Frame Game Quarter expecting to complete this one within a week...unless I experience another stall due to searching for hours.....

I found an old notation regarding the use of narrative with the idea of using a graphic novel approach to deliver the content.  I originally thought about using Pixton to create really cool storyboards...but that is far in the future...

For now, more content development in Gaming Towne ....and trying to keep it all balanced....

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The PBJ Approach

 It occurs to me that I use the PBJ approach to online course development. Let me explain this...

I have taught Research Design Design and Qualitative Research Design in an online setting.  Whew!  Those were the most difficult to teach online courses I have ever developed. It is not that teaching these subjects online cannot be done, the concern is to do it well....and have students leave these courses prepared to begin research design for their on dissertations.

After reading one vague research proposal after the other with none of them providing the level of detail necessary for a successful design, it occurred to me that I must not be communicating my desires clearly.  The students were definitely capable, but I was not "getting" the assignment across to them.

At that time we had all doctoral students on campus for one week during the summer.  They stayed in graduate housing, bunked together, attended bonding activities in the evening, and the during the day, faculty planned sessions for the students.  I had them for three hours.

I instituted my PBJ assignment. (I promise I am not digressing.)

The assignment is to write a process paper where they explain how to make their perfect PBJ.  Yes, it can have bananas or honey or whatever they want to use, but they key is to explain how to make their perfect PBJ.  They do this in class, usually taking about a hour.

After a 10-15 minute stretch break, I begin unpacking..... bread, spoons, peanut better, almond butter, jellies and jams, bananas paper towels, napkins, hand sanitizer......and the students manage to look puzzled.

They then exchanged papers, reading each others paper out loud, slowly, while I try to make their sandwich just as they described.  I admit I sometimes exaggerate when some instructions are omitted, and by the time I am juggling a jar of peanut better that I was never told to open a knife and a piece of bread, they catch on. Sure, it's fun, and we explore why directions are so important, then relate that to crafting a  research plan. From this point, I simply refer to the PBJ of a study, and everyone is right there on the same page!

They've got it! Yes, we had some ugly messes, and we took turns eating an enjoying the creations, but the point was made. Details really do matter.

When I teach students ho to design an interview protocol, I explain they every word they utter must appear in that protocol, beginning with, "Thank you so much for letting me talk with you today..."  and ending with, "Thanks again for meeting with me today..."

How does PBJ relate to teaching and online instructional design?

The PBJ approach requires everything to be spelled out, a script, of sorts, and when I create course content, I turn my content pages into a script...everything I would say to the students if they were there physically in front of me in a traditional classroom.   I might say in person, "Now that you have been introduced to .....let's move on to look at this in more depth." In online content, that is just what I write.   Teaching, to me, is a conversation, and that aspect is sometimes missing in an online course simply because having a one-sided conversation is difficult and clumsy.  But...I pretend I am in front of a class, and that is how I write....a conversation with the page.

In an online course we lack the opportunity to "be there" to explain a course, to make sure everything is clearly written in such a tone and voice that students can "hear" and understand. So we have to do that for them, making our writing engaging, clear, and hopefully, something they will want to read (or at least not mind reading).

There does need to be some order and some standardization, and that sometimes slows me down in course design. (Note the jpg of my newest running shirt  to the left.) My process is to map out the topics for modules (in this case towns), making sure I am including the content in the most logical order, making notes on those pages. I think of this as a loose outline. Sometimes I create specific pages, just to have the placeholders then I add notes to those pages so I will have them for later. Luckily, Canvas lets me rearrange pretty easily as needed. I need to finish one page before moving on although I do put notes and links on the other pages in the the town, but I must finish one page before organizing and really focusing on the next page.

What do I mean by finish?

In addition to all content being present and conversational, the page must have related graphics and videos...and assignments...and in this case XP. I have a strong ability to focus, and in this case, I fully focus on one page and finish it completely, ignoring the rest.  When it is finished, and I can think of nothing to add, I publish.  I may be slow, but what I publish is complete!

After all content is completed, THEN I will return to the Welcome Module  then on to the narrative.... and creating the map and setting the storyline.  Module will receive new introductions that weave n the story, but that is best done after the rest of the course is complete.

Now, though, is the time to begin standardizing modules, making sure all content results in XP and/or leads to a quest or guildchat.

Accomplishments this week?
  • I figured out how to embed a blog post directly into Canvas
  • I finished Simulation Quarter in Gaming Towne, including locating a variety of free simulations for students to try.I actually found examples from K-12, HIED, and business!  That has been a difficult goal to reach.


We are considering a shift in the course, changing the final assignment to be a selection of case studies , making sure we allow enough time to really delve into the content.  This leaves us free to create an applications course as a followup, with this as a Theories course.

The plan?

Serious games, followed by frame games...and PBJ, of course!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Reflection 11: Pause

Hit Pause.

That is this week's theme.

Work responsibilities collided with course design.

This semester I am teaching 4 courses, and this week I have graded papers, created narrated grading videos, met with advisees, attended training in using Recruiter software, been awarded 2 programs to direct in addition to my current program, arranged internship visits, and made a list of possible recruitment activities for 2016-2017.

I also did a little work on course design, but not as much as I had hoped....

The segment on Simulations now has  an introduction and a content page, with the content page including a description of the three types of simulations (live, virtual, and constructive) and video examples of each. Locating those videos was more time-consuming than I realized.

I also realized I needed a page explaining how simulations an drive motivation and improve performance, so I have begun working on that content. I have some outline notes addressing how businesses and educators are currently using simulations and am creating a reading list and examples allowing students to watch videos explaining how to use simulations....But, even better....I have begun a list of actual simulations  from which students will be able to choose and download and actually give some a try!   This part really excites me as I have found some free downloads for VirtualU, SimCity, Gazillion, and Pandemic, to name a few. The plan is to give students a variety of choices and ask them to select one that might relate to their current work area and one that does not, but sounds interesting to them.....then have them share their experiences, likes, dislikes, and such.

My plan for the future includes more non-course design tasks (locate syllabi for new programs, in particular) and to continue to work on this Simulations unit, finishing up these pages. My process is to finish a page completely, adding notes to remaining pages as I run across items of use elsewhere on this topic, then, once the page is finished completely with graphics, videos, etc, only then will I publish and begin working in earnest on the next component.

I really enjoy this part of instructional design :-)